Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Obama..We are disappointed

He came with the catchy..YES WE CAN CHANGE. The whole world saw him as the messiah of America. Even the left hardliners saw a new hope in him. For the first time in the history of Nobel Peace Prize, someone was awarded for his promises rather than his work. The Americans became obsessed with Obama. Some even had a pipe dream of socialist America. Obama was ebullient in his speeches. The Americans began to dream after a long time. The world leaders cherished for World peace. But all these dreams went to vain.

The reality was different. All his speeches were blah.. blah. They were all Utopian in nature. He enthusiastically talked about the bailout package, health reforms, Afpak policy. As he took the charge he understood the reality of American politics. The changes that he campaigned for are near impossibilities in American Congress and Senate. Leaving a life as the President of America is different from a charismatic orator. Seeing the ground reality he had to procrastinate the Guantanamo Jail plan. He was forced to dilute his health care package. The Republicans increasingly became conservative. There was no proper exit plan for the troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. He did somersaults in other areas also. The Nobel Committee did a blunder by giving him the price. It was too early for such a prize, considering the fact that even Mahatma Gandhi didn't get it.

He failed in his promises. He promised about a new America. But the policies he brought were too diluted. Even today the newspapers carry news about him, the latest being his cholesterol levels. He may have excuses for his failure.He may even put the blame on Republicans. Though it is true, he must exhibit his eloquence in thwarting them.

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