Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Women's Reservation Bill- An Unbiased View

For the last couple of days we have been hearing about women's reservation bill. The majority seems to support the bill. That's a good thing. The media in India reports the whole affair. Most of us see the merit of bill. Let us hope that the bill will be passed. But there are questions about the bill that need to answered. The media is highligting the views of supporters,the dissenters occupy less space. I support the passage of bill in condition that there should be equitable participation from women of all spheres. The Bill says nothing about the inclusiveness of all sections. In Indian society the elite castes enjoy the benefits in unreserved areas. If the bill is allowed to continue without any amendment, it will disturb the very basic of Indian Constitution. It will result in the over representation of upper castes. It is clearly visible in the current scenario.Most of the current women MPs belong to the upper caste.But this doesn't allow for opposition of bill. First allow the bill to be passed. Gradually the government will amend it to include the deprived sections. But the Lalus, Mulayams are simply opposing it. The government must clear the air about the future amendments in the bill.

The above bill if passed will affect the politicians who have been occupying the constituency for decades. This will help the constituency because the party will look after the constituency in view of the possibility of change in the candidate for the next election. I am telling this because there are examples of neglected constituencies, which are occupied by the veteran politicians.The complaints about the difficulty in nursing the constituency must be ignored.This bill is a great opportunity for India. It will help the Indian democracy to mature. But this won't sound good for those people.

So Let us support the bill after that amend it.

Source of cartoon:

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